50% Masculine, 80% Feminine

Note: This is a reproduction of a post I made on another site some months back.  I am posting it here because it helps to articulate some of my views on gender.

So, there are times when I am a bit gender queer/gender fluid. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what mix of gender presentation and identity I am aiming for on any given day, but if I had to try and describe my ideal point I would say I aim for about 40 to 50% masculine and 60 to 80% feminine.

But wait, that’s between 100 to 130%. How is that possible?

And if one is looking at gender identity using a single axis model that would seem absurd.

But I have started thinking of gender in a different manner. For me I see gender as a mix of solutions, like in chemistry. There is a feminine solution – which ranges from having absolutely no feminine traits at 0% all the way to being an ideal of femininity (however that is individually [and culturally] defined) at 100% – and a masculine solution. Together they come together to help define how a person’s gender manifests in the world.

I’ve seen a similar, two axis model, and that is a pretty good comparison. However I like the solution model. My coming together is not simply a point on a grid. My femininity and masculinity come together as a mixture. The combine and swirl in new and interesting ways.

I also say that those points are ideals. Sometimes I have a little too much of one in one of the solutions or too little of another. Those are times when I feel decidedly not my ideal self. It’s like I am just a bit off. But when I am able to balance the solutions, those are the times I think I shine.

I’ve also considered utilizing the solution model for other areas which are commonly seen as [a single] axis.

[remainder removed for TMI reasons]

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